Lets Spread Kindness Together

Kindness Bingo

Join us for the Kindness Bingo Challenge.
This is not your grandmother's bingo (although she is welcomed to play)
You will:
Feel good because you are making sure someone is seen
Nourish your self because by being kind to yourself
Steward our environment by demonstrating kindness to our big blue marble
Build community by connecting with someone you don't know well

So  make someone else feel good while you get the also benefit!
So, what is standing in your way?

Join me for a Kindness Challenge and do something kind every day this week

I am so excited that you are willing to join me in my quest to get more kindness in the world!!

I want to ripple your kindness.  Once you have completed a bingo (vertical, horizontal or corner to corner),  post a picture of your card and tag me so that I can ripple kindness your way.  PLEASE...... I want to show kindness back to you and it is the kind thing to do!

Download the
​ Kindness Challenge Now

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